Domestic Goddess Izanami no Mikoto (Izanami no Mikoto )

  • This is a story written in Kojiki, Japan’s oldest history book.
    “Izanagi-no-mikoto” and “Izanami-no mikoto” were born from the god of Takaamahara as Japan’s first couple, and Japan was born by this marital god.
    Izanagi and Izanami gods created the Japanese island, and then give birth to various Gods in Japan.
    Finally, when the god in charge of fire ,”Hino-kagu-tsuchinokami” was born, Izanami was burned with serious burns and lost her life. Her husband, Izanagi, mourned and buried Izanami at Mt. Hiba in the Nogi Plain.

  • The tomb of Izanami at Mt. Hiba enshrined “Hibayama Kume Shrine”, and it is said that this shrine brings you good luck with easy-birth and being blessed with good children.
    Mt. Hiba has a good road for mountain climbing and hiking, and many worshipers and mountaineers are visiting here.